
Mountain protector and long - nosed goblin Kurama has been troubled by a gang of young demons who have recently moved onto his mountain, leaving their trash everywhere.
Kurama wants to keep his mountain safe, but he's afraid to confront the gang...

He makes up his mind to go to their hideout and ask them to clean up after themselves. Once there, the gang leader Hijiri politely apologizes to him.
Kurama instantly falls for the dark - haired, fair - skinned, and gorgeous demon. He comes up with a plan to get closer to him, but catches him in the act with another gang member later the same day...

A pure love between a Mr. Nice - Guy goblin and a cold and gorgeous demon is about to begin!


Yaoi_MangaJapanese_CultureFantasyLocalized by Renta100pts-199pts200pts-299ptsUpgrade Completed

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Oni to Tengu no Koiwazurai

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