Clockwork Memories

author :

Sachi Murakami


Sera's older brother owns an antique shop. When he brought home a "clockwork doll," it was Sera's kiss that woke the doll, Satsuki, from his long slumber. Satsuki and his constant smiles leave Sera perplexed but ever more charmed. But, when Satsuki does cry, screws fall out along with his tears, and Sera learns that when the last screw falls Satsuki will become a real doll, never to awaken again...


Yaoi_MangaFantasy100pts-199pts Completed

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Product Details

author :

Sachi Murakami

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Japanese :

Memory Pocket

Item List Current ch. 2 completed

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Clockwork Memories Chapter 1

pages: 47

Clockwork Memories Chapter 2

pages: 22

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August 25, 2023 (JST)
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