[Sold by Chapter]CAROLINE'S WATERLOO 01

pages: 11


Caroline finds herself at the mercy of the dry, quiet Dr. Radinck, but the nurse ends up taking care of more than just his practice! When she found herself out of a job, the famed immunologist recruited her to be both his new nurse…and his new wife! Can Caroline heal the scars on his heart, or will she just be a temporary bandage on his troubled life?


Classic_Romance_MangaDramatic StoryFree1pt-99ptsUpgrade Completed

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Product Details

artist :

Kuremi Hazama

original novel :

Betty Neels

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Japanese :

Hanayome no Chikai

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Item List Current ch. 12 completed

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[Sold by Chapter]CAROLINE'S WATERLOO 01

pages: 11

[Sold by Chapter]CAROLINE'S WATERLOO 02

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pages: 11

[Sold by Chapter]CAROLINE'S WATERLOO 03

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pages: 11

[Sold by Chapter]CAROLINE'S WATERLOO 04

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pages: 11

[Sold by Chapter]CAROLINE'S WATERLOO 05

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pages: 11

[Sold by Chapter]CAROLINE'S WATERLOO 06

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pages: 11

[Sold by Chapter]CAROLINE'S WATERLOO 07

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pages: 11

[Sold by Chapter]CAROLINE'S WATERLOO 08

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pages: 11

[Sold by Chapter]CAROLINE'S WATERLOO 09

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pages: 11

[Sold by Chapter]CAROLINE'S WATERLOO 10

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pages: 11

[Sold by Chapter]CAROLINE'S WATERLOO 11

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pages: 11

[Sold by Chapter]CAROLINE'S WATERLOO 12

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pages: 20

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