User Reviews For: The Guy I Hate


4.9 out of 5

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tickeldpink Rating
This is so good! It has got one of my favorite tropes: "dude who thought he was straight but WOW this guy is so sexy to me for some reason??" Sano's not really an unwilling participant, just confused and horny. It also stars the side character from "A Coward Falls in Love" Azuma, who I'm happy to see since he was likable and hot.
yellowdoors Rating
What a wonderful and cute story! It is completed but no wish it was longrr!! Really lovely characters too.
aokippoi Rating
Pretty cute, wasn't expecting azuma to be the bottom but still good ^_^
kyourine Rating
Love the dynamics.
dragonwolf1221 Rating
It was really sweet and Sano and Kiyoharu were so cute ^.^
QL19 Rating
Loved it so much!