User Reviews For: Love Makes You Do the Unexpected
read the full series of 1) Unexpectedly Falling in Love2) Staying in Love3) Dream of Falling in Love4) Loving You Every Second5) Secretly Falling in Loveplus 1) Author Ryusei Kaji's Savage Love2) Author Ryusei Kaji's Intense Love3) Author Ryusei Kaji's Unreasonable Love4) Author Ryusei Kaji's Secret Passion5) Author Ryusei Kaji's Romantic Daysthen come to read this! you'll understand the characters way better. the one shot makes more sense and definitely heighten the relationship between our MCs more
Cute story but one complaint was that thing on Katsu's lip it looked like either a pimple or a piercing. I guess it was placed to show shiny lips but it was distracting from the character overall look.