
zzzzz's Reviews & Ratings

If I could have given this a 3.5, I would have. If you've ever read Love Stage, this is decently similar, and none of the character types felt too different in comparison. The beginning and backstory I think are the strong parts here, but it doesn't really stick to the ideas or barriers for the characters that it sets up in the beginning. It's still very cute and the main relationship is fun to follow, and again the backstory does add a lot.
The story is more on the fun side, and even though it does include some heavier themes and topics, it doesn't really go into them much. I like the idea and the way the story progresses, and all the intimate scenes are good, but the characters aren't really that well-rounded, and feel very basic. We don't get to explore their lives very much, which is unfortunate considering this is a story based solely on their relationship. If you want something on the lighter side without too much conflict, this is exactly that, and is more centered on their sexual relationship.
I wasn't sure what to think based on the description and beginning, but I was very surprised that, for something so sex-based, you really do get to learn a lot about the characters and their personalities, which really adds to the story and the relationships, and can be rare in shorter volumes like this.
Quite enjoyed it. It was funny and cute, and the drawing style is unique, plus all the characters are very different personality-wise. However it is a bit confusing to follow at times, and doesn't seem to have a clear conclusion.
This went above my expectations, and was so incredibly cute and actually managed to be funny at times. Very light-hearted so far. The main characters have a really good dynamic, even though we don't know a whole lot about them. I went into this willing to give it a shot and ended up buying all 3 volumes in one sitting. So great, and I really hope it continues.
It's drawn well and it does get pretty hot, so it seems like it really had potential, but it is incredibly rushed, we literally don't get to learn anything about the characters, and the explanatory backstory is just kind of shoe-horned in in the middle and it just ends up being confusing. That being said, I still enjoyed it, so...
A bit confusing and awkward at times, but otherwise I think the concept is cute and executed well.
I really thought the premise was kind of unique, and the art is good, so I was sad that it was very rushed, and that we barely get to learn about any of the characters at all.
It takes a turn I wasn't expecting, which I liked, and all the art is done very well, but the story is definitely rushed.
This was surprisingly better than I was expecting it to be. Based on the description, I was assuming the story was going to be more generic, but was pleasantly proved wrong. The art style is also really great and a little different from most of what I see on here.