
Ingvanya's Reviews & Ratings

Cute so far. I'm glad that the protagonist finally gets a chance to be appreciated. Her old kingdom didn't deserve her. May it wither to dust. I can't wait to read more.
Very sweet and sexy. My only issue is that Sana is hard to read in the beginning (a good poker face), so even though he clearly likes Hana before their first time, it feels a bit sudden that he's cool with sleeping with her, even though it's the abstinence moon making him randy. Like they are still only aquainences, maybe friends, and he may or may not like her that way. Of course, her arriving during the absence moon made them getting together eventually be obvious, and thats fine, but even in heat I feel like he would have taken more care to avoid tempting situations. Also Hana admits she's a virgin, but then she just cavalierly decides to sleep with him. At least with her she made it plain that she thought he was hot, and was clearly falling for him, but if it was more realistic, she would have at least hesitated a bit before deciding to go ahead with it.I like how Sana insinuated he wants to marry her. Super cute. I just wonder what their kids would look like.
Cute story. I wish the smut was hardcore though.