
JaymeyL's Reviews & Ratings

This is one of those mangas that tear at your heartstring make you cry I've read this manga over five times and it still tugs at my heartstrings and I cry every time so this is one of those mangas that has great storyline great art props to the artist this manga is a 10 out of 10 I'm happy with it and I'll continue reading it over and over and over LOL
Okay so here's the 411 a certain main character is as thick as thick can be that this individual couldn't even tell that someone was crushing on them the subtle signs this is a really good manga if you like some light yaoi for a calming read and yet not a calming read check it out see if it's right for you I know it was just right for me? PS it's going to be a long read LOL
Ever wished to find a really good to Great manga one that just pulls you in to the point where you can't stop reading well I think I found it a MANGA that's good enough to be turned into an anime series well this is it I couldn't stop reading check it out I want this manga to be turned into an anime series................give the people what they want LOL
I am so glad I started to read this manga at some point it got me wondering why is it not meant to be or is it meant to be it tugged at my Heartstrings????? and then???? well to find out more you'll have to read the Manga LOL
I just love when several stories are all in one manga and this one is totally it a must read it even pulled at my heartstrings definitely a must read I know I'll be reading it again especially the last story hehehe
I just love finding these mangas that pull at the Heartstrings and this is one of them I definitely recommend this manga it's got a good storyline and I even??? cried a little it's a must read?????
As someone who loves romance novels I've learned so much but when I read this manga I realized they used a line I use myself................................................I don't know what Real Love Is ................so when I read this I felt a deep connection so for those who like to love Romance manga this might be the one for you
Ever find one of those mangas that pull at your Heartstrings this is one of them chapter 3 really had me going I was tearing????? definitely a good read not to mention the art was beautiful heart wrenching almost made me want to play matchmaker with the bartender and the friend at the convenience store you'll have to read all of this manga to know what I'm talking about hehehe?????
This is a really good tantalizing manga once I started reading I couldn't put it down it was very yummy LOL must say it's a good manga to read hehehe??
I'm so glad they had the first chapter free it got me hooked and then I couldn't stop reading this manga it caught my attention it eased into the relationship and then I started crying?? it pulled at my heartstrings what can I say it is a must read if you like stories that ease you into something that could be or should be then this is the manga for you ????????PROPS to the AUTHOR