The Fox And The Prince

author :

Hon Toku


Prince Gao Liu lives in a far east country. Before him appears Tong Bai Hu, a mysterious and beautiful man. Tong Bai Hu carries with him a sword that used to belong to Gao Chun, Gao Liu's long lost older brother. Thinking Tong Bai Hu killed his brother, Gao Liu tries to take revenge only to learn that Tong Bai Hu and Gao Chun were lovers. After learning that Gao Liu has more than just the average interest in the pleasures of the flesh, Tong Bai Hu decides to seduce him and see just how similar to his brother he really is...


Yaoi_MangaFantasyRoyalty/NoblesLocalized by Renta200pts-299pts

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Product Details

author :

Hon Toku

publisher :

KiR comics

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Japanese :


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Item List Current ch. 1 completed

The Fox And The Prince

Pages: 48

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August 02, 2023 (JST)
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