User Reviews For: An Animal in the Dark -Whose Fault Is It If I Change?


3.8 out of 5

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animebasedres Rating
Content warning: dubcon (basically noncon)
trashinista Rating
The concept is interesting, I guess, but it's a little strange that the persona he developed (as a child) to combat his fear the the dark is mostly just...horny? Like...I guess it's better than being scared but also, what? Art is really good tho.
cohen5483 Rating
Dub-con it is, especially with the male MC's best friend. Zero development from ch 1 to 2 and they just go right into it. I mean, there was no mention that the brother was actually the brother until chapter 2. It was literally implied with no intro's. Best friend, the hell is wrong with you? I don't get why the female MC keeps referring to the male MC as a sadist - at one point I thought that might of been the title of the series but he really just turns into a sex fiend, that's all. You know what these two can do, get a remote control light switch lol...
enfantqq Rating
Oh mygod! This is so hot!! The art is good and story is quite interesting too.
Nmtgirl Rating
I like a little forced/aggressive sex but the main love interest is so possessive and inconsiderate that the MC feels brainwashed even within her own narration. She isn't able to contrive any internal reason for liking him, it's always, "He's such a jerk, so mean, but I love him anyway. Weird."The challenging love interest is a quiet, stern but secretly bashful guy she ends up working with and his gentle admiration of her from a distance is so adorable and respectful that I'm 100% on his team. Unfortunately, it's very obvious from the tone of the writing that there's no chance she ends up with him instead. I think I'm gonna stop reading and fill in an end where she ends up with Kanzaki in my head.
lyre Rating
The premise was really promising if you're into dubcon (basically noncon) as another reviewer here stated. But the story took a ridiculous leap forward in the second chapter. There was no development at all and it comes off as jarring and stilted. I'd only buy yourself the first chapter and fill in the rest on your own.
Uchiha94 Rating
Story was a bit lacking. With more it could have been very well done. Art was great however! Soo 3/5
milkypink Rating
I agree wholeheartedly with the other reviews. I like dubcon but it's rather distressing how often this veers straight into sexual assault. And no one in the manga takes it seriously whatsoever! Lol. No one is even scolded for assaulting this girl. Depicts all the male characters as uncontrollable predators and will try to get some when given the chance. This manga has some good points, but it just left me feeling rather uncomfortable. If you're ok with noncon, this may be for you, but if you're more strictly into dubcon where both partners are enjoying the interaction, I would stay clear. I cut manga a lot of slack because of how things work in "hentaiverse," but even with that in mind the interactions are just a bit of a stretch.
rowoon Rating
The art is really good but the story's pace is WAY too fast
Scar Rating
This manga was so cute! I mean yes there was a lot of hot… situations. But the story and their relationship was just adorable. I need to find the other books!