The Stripper's Raunchy Antics 1

Pages: 27


After being dumped by his college girlfriend, Masashi's gal pals drag himto a men's strip club to cheer him up. He finds himself bewilderingly attracted to the club's top dancer, Kaoru, and before long he becomes a regular customer. One day, Kaoru invites him out for drinks. Although Masashi is used to being nothing more than a fan, Kaoru makes a move on him. Kaoru gives him an out: "If you're uncomfortable, you can leave." But after they share a passionate kiss, their relationship changes from one of "a dancer and his fan" to "fuckbuddies."


Yaoi_MangaCollegeErotic_Worker100pts-199pts Completed

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Mobile Media Research

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The Stripper's Raunchy Antics 1

Pages: 27

The Stripper's Raunchy Antics 2

Pages: 27

The Stripper's Raunchy Antics 3

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The Stripper's Raunchy Antics 4

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The Stripper's Raunchy Antics 5

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The Stripper's Raunchy Antics 6

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The Stripper's Raunchy Antics 7

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The Stripper's Raunchy Antics 8

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The Stripper's Raunchy Antics 9

Pages: 27

The Stripper's Raunchy Antics 10

Pages: 27

The Stripper's Raunchy Antics 11

Pages: 27

The Stripper's Raunchy Antics 12

Pages: 27

The Stripper's Raunchy Antics 13

Pages: 27

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