
A dating sim enthusiast wakes up in the body of Reine Waynewright: an adorable otome heroine in a fantasy game! Reine discovers that in this world, she's a lowly F-rank student at the magical Heartfelt Academy, bullied by her classmates and snubbed by her love interests for her lack of talent. Determined to avoid a Bad Ending, Reine resolves to study hard, practice her magic, and pass the exams to increase her rank! If she grinds hard enough, she may be able to change her fate: make new friends, improve herself, and maybe even fall in love along the way!



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Ikuto Nanase

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Item List Current ch. 1 completed

I Was Reincarnated as the Heroine on the Verge of a Bad Ending, and I'm Determined to Fall in Love!, Volume 1

Pages: 189

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