User Reviews For: Loose Night: A Night of Depravity for a Downtrodden Woman and a Beautiful Beast


4.9 out of 5

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Mrsmangame123 Rating
So interesting! This isn't a “I didn't know you were really a man?!” plot, but more of an inexperienced person finally coming into herself with the tutelage of a very very helpful drag bar owner. Who also happens to be extremely beautiful. I like that our fmc lets her curiosity get the better of her and I'm super curious about our mc. Next chapter please!!!
kyochan Rating
This is my first review ever! Been reading this since it first came out. Very different from other stories I've read here and I read a lot on this app. MC and FMC are both likable. Can't wait to see what happens next!
Kas Rating
Girl after all that, there's no way he's not into women lol! He's probably bi. Anyways this is a fun read with interesting characters
hempress Rating
like the review above, this is something a little different than the usual fare we see - I like the characters so far, the art style is nice, and I want to see where this goes!
CRUSH Rating
So far this has been a wonderful take on fluid sexuality and intimacy! Please gimmie more!!! <3 <3 <3
Mangareader Rating
This is an extraordinarily unique premise and I'm super glad to see characters that are insanely unique. Can't wait for more!
laniaash Rating
So far the first chapter is off to a great start. I like how the heroine is curious about sex and not that shy about it. Can't wait for the next chapter.