The Undercover Boy: Undercover Trap

author :

Kasai Fujiiuroco


People trafficking, bullying, drug dealing...serial crimes aimed at boys! Detective Kijima and runaway Yoshiki go undercover to fight crime! A friend of Yoshiki's who was living at a net cafe has disappeared. He decides to visit the auction where human trafficking takes place with the help of Detective Kijima. Can they save the boys who are becoming victims of sexual predators?


Yaoi_MangaPolice/MilitaryLocalized by RentaFree100pts-199ptsUpgrade Completed

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Product Details

author :

Kasai Fujiiuroco

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Japanese :

Otori Shounen Sennyu Sousa no Wana

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Item List Current ch. 8 completed

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The Undercover Boy: Undercover Trap 1

Pages: 23

The Undercover Boy: Undercover Trap 2

Pages: 23

The Undercover Boy: Undercover Trap 3

Pages: 23

The Undercover Boy: Undercover Trap 4

Pages: 23

The Undercover Boy: Undercover Trap 5

Pages: 23

The Undercover Boy: Undercover Trap 6

Pages: 23

The Undercover Boy: Undercover Trap 7

Pages: 23

The Undercover Boy: Undercover Trap 8

Pages: 23

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March 05, 2016 (JST)
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